You may want to have your tissues at the ready for this one!
We all know The X Factor loves a good sob story (just like other Simon Cowell shows such as Idol and America’s Got Talent) – but I can’t deny that a compelling back story definitely gives power to a performance…
Here’s Rebecca Ferguson, a 23 year old mom from Liverpool, who gave up on her singing dreams after becoming pregnant. Rebecca comes across as such a sweet girl and tells her story so simply and honestly that it’s hard not to root for her. Her story is such a common one and speaks to the desire we all have to make something of our lives…
As for the performance itself – the judges were bang on the money. Rebecca has really lost her confidence and needs to connect with an audience – but there’s certainly something there. She has one of those voices which veers dangerously close to flat at times, but has a definite uniqueness to it. As someone who’s a big fan of quirky voiced singers like Cyndi Lauper and Stevie Nicks, I love this vocal quality.
The question is – can Rebecca raise her game and really deliver later in the competition? We’ll let you know – but in the meantime, what do you think of Rebecca? Does she have the goods? And could you see her in the final lineup?